NVHC Case Study

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services (CCS) was hired to develop an organization-wide emergency operations plan for Nevada Health Centers (NVHC). NVHC has clinics across the state in various geographic regions, including five mobile clinics. In addition to the NVHC Comprehensive Emergency Plan (CEP), site-specific emergency brochures with basic emergency procedures, and a mini tabletop exercise to…

Development of Quad-County Healthcare Coalition Business Impact Analysis and Continuity of Operations Plan

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services was hired to conduct an coalition-wide business impact analysis (BIA) and corresponding continuity of operations plan (COOP) for Quad-County Healthcare Coalition (QCHCC) in Nevada. NEED: In January of 2021, Quad-County Healthcare Coalition, which is embedded in Carson City Health and Human Services, identified a gap in their preparedness planning. To meet…

Conducting a Reed College Emergency Preparedness Gap Assessment Report and Presentation

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services (CCS) was hired to conduct a review and assessment of Reed College’s existing emergency response plans and disaster preparedness documents and make recommendations for improving their emergency management program. NEED: Early in 2022, Reed College located in Portland, Oregon, began discussing how to move their emergency preparedness program to the next…

Developing and Leading an Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Training Workshop for Arizona Alliance of Community Health Centers (AACHC).

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services (CCS) was hired to develop and facilitate four training sessions for an all-day emergency preparedness training symposium for AACHC’s community health center members. Based on CCS’s expertise on varied emergency preparedness topics, the CCS team was able to develop and facilitate training in the four specific areas. NEED: In the fall…

Arizona Coalition for Healthcare Emergency Response (AzCHER) 2023 – Crisis Standards of Care (CSC) Workshop Series

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services (CCS) was hired in 2022 by the Arizona Coalition for Healthcare Emergency Response (AzCHER), in association with the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association (AzHHA), to develop and conduct four, regional Crisis Standards of Care (CSC) Workshops, including post workshop follow-up activities. The workshops were held in March and April 2023. NEED:…

Arizona Coalition for Healthcare Emergency Response (AzCHER) 2023 Medical Surge and Response Exercise (MRSE)

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services (CCS) was hired in 2022 by the Arizona Coalition for Healthcare Emergency Response (AzCHER) to conduct a statewide functional exercise in May 2023, including after action activities. The goal of the exercise was to meet requirements set forth in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Administration for Strategic…

Clackamas County COVID-19 After Action Report and Improvement Plan

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services (CCS) was hired in May 2022 by Clackamas County, Oregon to conduct data collection and a full analysis of Clackamas County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing a COVID-19 After Action Report (AAR) and Improvement Plan (IP). The AAR/IP was to focus on strengths, areas for improvement, and recommendations regarding…

Mercy Corps Business Impact Analysis

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services was hired to conduct an agency-wide business impact analysis (BIA) and corresponding business continuity plan (BCP) for Mercy Corps Headquarters in Portland, Oregon. NEED: In October of 2017, a 25-member Mercy Corps team participated in a brainstorm session to discuss Mercy Corps’ preparedness for a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake.  The group…

Business Impact Analysis and Business Continuity Plan for Mercy Corps, US Headquarters.

SITUATION: Coordinated Consulting Services was hired to conduct an agency-wide business impact analysis (BIA) and corresponding business continuity plan (BCP) for Mercy Corps Headquarters in Portland, Oregon. NEED: In October of 2017, a 25-member Mercy Corps team participated in a brainstorm session to discuss Mercy Corps’ preparedness for a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake. The group…