Coordinated Consulting Services (CCS) was hired to conduct a review and assessment of Reed College’s existing emergency response plans and disaster preparedness documents and make recommendations for improving their emergency management program.
Early in 2022, Reed College located in Portland, Oregon, began discussing how to move their emergency preparedness program to the next level. They wanted to ensure the Institution is compliant with higher education regulations and operating according to best practices in the field of emergency preparedness. In figuring out what was next for their emergency preparedness program, Reed College determined the first step would be a gap assessment conducted by an outside agency that specialized in higher education emergency planning.
CCS completed a gap assessment, report, and presentation in the summer of 2022. A thorough review of Reed College’s emergency and disaster preparedness documents, plans, and Emergency Response Team meeting notes was completed by CCS. CCS used higher education guidance and best practice in the field to evaluate the Reed College program. This included guidance from the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP), Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS), Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) 32 Core Capabilities, and regulations from the Department of Education’s Clery Act. With a greater understanding of Reed College’s current emergency preparedness program, CCS worked to prioritize recommendations for Reed College to further develop their emergency preparedness program. The gap assessment included a well-organized report with program strengths, areas for improvement categorized by FEMA’s preparedness cycle phases, and an integrated preparedness plan (IPP) section. Upon completion of the gap assessment, CCS presented the finding to Reed College’s Emergency Response Team.
Reed College has an increased understanding of their emergency preparedness documentation and is ready to make an informed decision on the next steps to build their preparedness program. Reed College can prioritize their resources to meet the most important regulatory requirements and has detailed options for moving forward with their emergency and disaster planning. The Institution has also established a relationship with CCS, who understands their preparedness needs and is able to provide technical assistance as they take the next steps to build their program and Reed College’s overall organizational resilience.